DOOM 2016

DOOM 2016 is without saying, one of the most brutal and gory FPS of the last 10 years. Finally able to take screenshots thanks to the mod which allows you to open the console and have access to a lot of beautiful things. follow the guide…



  • ReShade

Mod Installation

Unzip the previously downloaded file in the game’s root directory. the dinput8.dll should reside next to DOOMx64.exe and DOOMx64vk.exe

Photo Mode Anytime and Image Quality

In %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM\base create a new file called myconfig.cfg and copy the content below in it. Save it when done.

Notice the g_setting_photomode 1 and bind KP_0 toggle g_FreezeTime. The first one will allow you to open the photo mode whenever you want. The other will allow you to use the internal free camera and have The Slayer visible.

r_shadowAtlasTileSize 6144; vt_maxPPF 64; vt_maxAniso 16; vt_lodBias -2;
vt_qualityBC7ColorMask 0; vt_qualityBC6HLightmap 0;vt_qualityHDPLossless 0;
vt_qualityHDPPower 0; vt_qualityHDPNormal 0; vt_qualityHDPLightmap 0;
vt_qualityHDPSpecular 0; vt_qualityHDPDiffuse 0; vt_qualityBC7ColorMaskTranscode 0;
g_setting_photomode 1; image_anisotropy 16;image_lodbias -1; image_BCCompressionQuality 0;
r_multiSamples 16;vt_pageImageSizeVmtrUnique 8192;r_flaresQuality 0;
r_forceTwoSided 1; r_particlesLightAtlasHeight 2048; r_particlesLightAtlasWidth 4096;
r_detailDistance 8000;r_detailFadeDistMax 7000; r_vignette 0; r_flaresquality 0;
r_imageAtlasMaxAniso 16; vt_qualityLightmapRoundDenominator 1.0;r_chromaticAberration 0;
bind KP_PLUS cvaradd g_fov 1
bind KP_MINUS cvaradd g_fov -1
bind KP_STAR g_fov 95
bind KP_SLASH toggle com_overrideDOF
bind KP_0 toggle g_FreezeTime
bind KP_1 cvaradd com_override_dof_intensity 0.01
bind KP_2 cvaradd com_override_dof_intensity -0.01
bind KP_3 com_override_dof_intensity 1.0
bind KP_4 cvaradd r_lensFlaresRatio 0.01
bind KP_5 cvaradd r_lensFlaresRatio -0.01
bind KP_6 r_lensFlaresRatio 1.0
bind KP_7 cvaradd r_hdrBloomRatio 0.001
bind KP_8 cvaradd r_hdrBloomRatio -0.001
bind KP_9 r_hdrBloomRatio 0.03

Key Effect
NumPad + Lower FOV by 1
NumPad - Raise FOV by 1
NumPad * Rest FOV to default 95
NumPad / Allow override default DOF value
NumPad 0 Pause game and enter Free Camera
NumPad 1 Raise DOF intensity by 0.01
NumPad 2 Lower DOF intensity by 0.01
NumPad 3 Reset DOF to default value 1.0
NumPad 4 Raise lens flare intensity by 0.01
NumPad 5 Lower lens flare intensity by 0.01
NumPad 6 Reset lens flare to default value 1.0
NumPad 7 Raise bloom intensity by 0.001
NumPad 8 Lower bloom intensity by 0.001
NumPad 9 Reset bloom to default value 0.03
Now it's time to test your config. For this, start the game . Once you are ready to fight demons and the level is loaded, press the `~` (tilde). Type `exec myconfig`, press enter and your config will load. After it's loaded, you should see the Photo Mode message appearing. You will need to recall and apply the line at every new level. If you don’t see the photo mode option in the hud, re-excute the line by opeining the console and pressing arrow up. Press enter to apply.