DOOM Eternal, beautiful decors, and demons. Still as brutal as the first one and even more fast paced. No rest until they are all gone! So let’s see what we can do to get the most of the game for some epic shots.
- [DOOM Eternal Console Unlocker 1.6 by Sunbeam ]
- ReShade 6.1.1
How To Use
Once the game is started, open the cheat table, connect to the game process and check the boxes like in the print screen below. When done, you will have full access to the in game console.
Photo Mode Anytime and Image Quality
In %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Saved Games\id Software\DOOMEternal\base
create a new file called myconfig.cfg
and copy the content below in it.
Save it when done.
Notice the g_allowphotomode 1
. This will allow you to open the photo mode whenever you want.
g_allowphotomode 1;photomode_freecamleashdistance -1;photomode_freecammovementtype 2;r_lodforce "0";r_texturelodbias "-8";p_showFootstepParticles "1"; r_shadowAtlasWidth 16384;r_shadowAtlasHeight 16384;r_shadowAtlasTileSize 5200;g_showPlayerShadow 1;r_filmGrainRatio -1;r_cloudsQuality 3;r_cloudsQualityUseJitter 0;r_shadowPlayerLOD 1;r_dofHalfRes 0;r_lodScale 10;r_lodForce 0;r_lodRender 1; ;_shadowLodForceValue 0;r_flaresQuality 0;r_dlssTextureLodBias -5;r_cineLensflaresBlurMode 2;r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicIntensity 1.05;r_blurRadialQuality 3;r_blurRadialScale 1.0;r_SSDORaytrace 1;r_lightGridResolutionX 16;r_lightGridResolutionY 16;r_lightGridResolutionZ 16;pm_photoModeTurnFXOff 0;bind KP_0 toggle com_overrideDOF;bind KP_1 cvaradd com_override_dof_intensity 0.01;bind KP_2 cvaradd com_override_dof_intensity -0.01;bind KP_3 com_override_dof_intensity 1.0;bind KP_4 cvaradd r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicIntensity 0.01;bind KP_5 cvaradd r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicIntensity -0.01;bind KP_6 r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicIntensity 0.925;bind KP_7 cvaradd r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicWidth 0.01;bind KP_8 cvaradd r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicWidth -0.01;bind KP_9 r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicWidth 1.5;
Key | Effect |
NumPad 0 | Allow override default DOF value |
NumPad 1 | Raise DOF intensity by 0.01 |
NumPad 2 | Lower DOF intensity by 0.01 |
NumPad 3 | Reset DOF to default value 1.0 |
NumPad 4 | Raise lens flare intensity by 0.01 |
NumPad 5 | Lower lens flare intensity by 0.01 |
NumPad 6 | Reset lens flare to default value 1.0 |
NumPad 7 | Raise lens flare width by 0.01 |
NumPad 8 | Lower lens flare width by 0.001 |
NumPad 9 | Reset lens flare width to default value 1.5 |
Some other lens flares variables and their defaultvalues that can be tweaked.
r_cineLensflaresAnamorphicBlueshift "0.4"
r_cineLensflaresBlurMode "1"
r_cineLensflaresBrightpassThreshold "3.0"
r_cineLensflaresChromaShiftStrength "0.5"
r_cineLensflaresDirtRatio "10.0"
r_cineLensflaresGhostIntensity "0.05"
r_cineLensflaresGhostOffset "0.2"
r_cineLensflaresHaloIntensity "0.05"
r_cineLensflaresHaloSize "0.4"
Now it’s time to test your config. For this, start the game . Once you are ready to fight demons and the level is loaded, press the ~
Type exec myconfig.cfg
, press enter and your config will load. After it’s loaded, you should see the Photo Mode message appearing.
You will need to recall and apply the line at every new level. If you don’t sse the photo mode option in the hud, re-excute the line by opeining the console and pressing arrow up.
Press enter to apply.